Daily Archives: June 9, 2009


Could be the weather or some other personal stuff but I’m in a mood.   Pretty close to a depression and my appetite is reflecting it.  I now understand the appetite and cravings and able to stay away from them.  I skipped out on the ice cream tonight and away from the open bag of chips.  Tonight I’ll have the Reese’s Puffs cereal for my 8pm snack and go to bed early again.  I hope this weather warms up soon so I can enjoy being outside rather than having my face numb up a little bit from being outside for an hour coaching soccer.  Where is this global warming they keep talking about?

Exercise was good this morning.  I love working hard on the exercise bike and getting a good sweat.  I had to keep in mind not to grab the handles too much because it was making me tense up and I should be trying to relax more.  Tomorrow will be day 2 of doing the new cardio and I can’t wait to see how that goes.  Have to remind myself to only do 8 reps instead of the 10 that killed me yesterday.